Google Videos API

Using this API, you get the JSON data of Google Videos results consisting of video title, thumbnail, snippets and more.

Here is the list of default parameters for this API :


api_key required

This is your API key.

q required

Type: String

Google Search Query


Type: Number(Integer) Number of results per page.


Type: String

Default: "us" Name of the country. The name should be in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format.


Type: String Default: "en_us" The language of the requested results.


Type: Number(Integer) [0,10,20....] Default: 0 (Enter 10 for 2nd-page results, 20 for 3rd, etc .) The page number to get targeted search results.


Type: String Limit the search to one or multiple languages. It is used as lang_{language code}. For example - "lang_us".


Type: String Used to encode a place an exact location(with latitude and longitude) into a value used in a cookie, an URL, or an HTTP header.


Type: String Use this as "d/w/m/mn/y" where n is from 0-10.

d - the previous 24 hours, w - the previous seven days, m - the previous month, mn - the previous n number of months, y - past year

The duration parameter requests search results from a specified time period (quick date range).


Type: Boolean

Default: 0 It excludes the result from an auto-corrected query that is spelled wrong. It can be set to 1 to exclude these results or 0 to include them.


Type: String

to be searched - An advanced parameter to filter search results.


Type: String [active/off]

Default: off To filter the adult content set safe to active or to disable it set it off.


Type: Boolean Default: false To render response as raw HTML.

API Example:

cURL ""
  "meta": {
    "api_key": "APIKEY",
    "q": "football",
    "gl": "us"
  "video_results": [
      "title": "NFL \"Backyard Football\" Moments - YouTube",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › watch",
      "time": "14:04",
      "rank": "1"
      "title": "First NFL Africa Camp gives young athletes chance to show off ...",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › news › first-nfl-africa-camp-gives-young-...",
      "time": "",
      "rank": "2"
      "title": "£10 vs £4,000 Football (WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE ...",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › watch",
      "time": "17:12",
      "rank": "3"
      "title": "Sky Sports Football - YouTube",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › channel",
      "time": "",
      "rank": "4"
      "title": "Revenge Moments in Football - YouTube",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › watch",
      "time": "8:41",
      "rank": "5"
      "title": "Texas skyrockets into top 10 after landing Arch Manning - ESPN",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › college-football › insider › story › 2023...",
      "time": "2:13",
      "rank": "6"
      "title": "1 in a Trillion Football Moments - YouTube",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › watch",
      "time": "6:32",
      "rank": "7"
      "title": "Financial Football - Practical Money Skills",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › play › financial_footb...",
      "time": "1:21",
      "rank": "8"
      "title": "PFT Mailbag: Can Deshaun Watson save his reputation?",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › watch",
      "time": "11:36",
      "rank": "9"
      "title": "Chelsea must learn from Man United mistakes when replacing ...",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › soccer › chelsea-engchelsea › story › ch...",
      "time": "1:32",
      "rank": "10"
  "pagination": {
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      "10": ""
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      "10": ""

Last updated