Google Shopping is one of the great sources of data for data miners for research and price tracking. Scrape the latest real-time Google Shopping Results with the help of this API.
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This is your API key.
Type: String
Google Search Query
Type: Number(Integer)
Number of results per page
Type: String
Default: "us"
Name of the country. The name should be in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format.
Type: String
Default Value: "en_us"
The language of the requested results.
Type: Number(Integer)[0,10,20....]
Default: 0
(Enter 10 for 2nd-page results, 20 for 3rd, etc .)
The page number to get targeted search results.
Type: String
Limit the search to one or multiple languages.
It is used as lang_{language code}. For example - "lang_us".
Type: String
Used to encode a place an exact location(with latitude and longitude) into a value used in a cookie, an URL, or an HTTP header.
Type: String
Use this as "d/w/m/mn/y"
where n is from 0-10.
d - the previous 24 hours, w - the previous seven days, m - the previous month, mn - the previous n number of months, y - past year
The duration parameter requests search results from a specified time period (quick date range).
Type: Boolean
Default: 0
It excludes the result from an auto-corrected query that is spelled wrong. It can be set to 1 to exclude these results or 0 to include them.
Type: String
to be searched - An advanced parameter to filter search results.
Type: String
Default: off
To filter the adult content set safe to active or to disable it set it off.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
To render response as raw HTML.