The Google Images API allows developers to access images from Google Search results. It is an easy way to add image search functionality to your website or application.
{"meta": {"api_key":"APIKEY","q":"football","gl":"us" },"image_results": [ { "image": "",
"title":"Football - Wikipedia","source":"","link":"","original":"","rank":1 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Soft toy, American football/brown - IKEA","source":" · In stock","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":2 }, { "image": "",
"title":"NFL postpones three games due to Covid ...","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":3 }, { "image": "",
"title":"USFL schedule Week 2: What football ...","source":"", "link": "",
"original":"","rank":4 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Why is football called 'football'?","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":5 }, { "image": "",
"title":"The Duke NFL Football | Wilson Sporting ...","source":" · In stock","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":6 }, { "image": "",
"title":"National Football League","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":7 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Who Invented (American) Football - HISTORY","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":8 }, { "image": "",
"title":"NCAA Football - College Football News ...","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":9 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Football | Videos | Watch ESPN","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":10 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Olympic flag football ...","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":11 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Call Football “Soccer”? | Britannica","source":"","link":"","original":"","rank":12 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Football - News, Athletes, Highlights ...","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":13 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Contenders for 2022 College Football ...","source":"", "link": "",
"original": "",
"rank":14 }, { "image": "",
"title":"College football rankings 2022: Alabama ...","source":"", "link": "",
"original": "",
"rank":15 }, { "image": "",
"title":"National Football League - HISTORY","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":16 }, { "image": "",
"title":"File:Football (soccer ball).svg - Wikipedia","source":"","link":"", "original": "",
"rank":17 }, { "image": "",
"title":"NCAA football: College players could ...","source":"", "link": "",
"original":"","rank":18 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Concerns raised over how football clubs ...","source":"", "link": "",
"original": "",
"rank":19 }, { "image": "",
"title":"Virtual reality football video game ...","source":"","link":"","original":"","rank":20 }, ] }
This is your API key.
Type: String
Google Search Query
Type: String
Default: "us"
Name of the country. The name should be in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format.
Type: String
Default: "" To obtain local results from a specific country, for example, for India, it will be "," and for the UK, it will be ""
Type: String
Default: "en_us"
The language of the requested results.
Type: Number(Integer)[0,1,2....]
Default: 0
(Enter 1 for 2nd-page results, 2 for 3rd, etc .)
The page number to get targeted search results.
Type: String
Limit the search to one or multiple languages.
It is used as lang_{language code}. For example - "lang_us".
Type: String
Used to encode a place an exact location(with latitude and longitude) into a value used in a cookie, an URL, or an HTTP header.
Type: String
Use this as "d/w/m/mn/y"
where n is from 0-10.
d - the previous 24 hours, w - the previous seven days, m - the previous month, mn - the previous n number of months, y - past year
The duration parameter requests search results from a specified time period (quick date range).
Type: Boolean
Default: 0
It excludes the result from an auto-corrected query that is spelled wrong. It can be set to 1 to exclude these results or 0 to include them.
Type: String
to be searched - An advanced parameter to filter search results.
Type: String
Used to filter image results. They are provided under the section suggested_searches when ijn = 0.
Type: String
Default: off
To filter the adult content set safe to active or to disable it set it off.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
To render response as raw HTML.
tbs = size:ll - for large-sized images
tbs = size:mm - for medium-sized images
tbs = size:ii - for icon-sized images