Google Search API

Scrape the Google Search Search Results from any country in the world in both JSON and HTML format using this API. All featured snippets are supported.

Here is the list of default parameters you can use with this API :


api_key required

This is your API key.

q required

Type: String Google Search Query


Type: Number(Integer) Number of results per page


Type: String

Default: "us" Name of the country. The name should be in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format.


Type: String

Default Value: "en_us" The language of the requested results.


Type: Number(Integer) [0,10,20....] Default: 0 (Enter 10 for 2nd-page results, 20 for 3rd, etc .) The page number to get targeted search results.


Type: String Limit the search to one or multiple languages. It is used as lang_{language code}. For example - "lang_us".


Type: String Used to encode a place an exact location(with latitude and longitude) into a value used in a cookie, an URL, or an HTTP header.


Type: String Use this as "d/w/m/mn/y" where n is from 0-10.

d - the previous 24 hours, w - the previous seven days, m - the previous month, mn - the previous n number of months, y - past year

The duration parameter requests search results from a specified time period (quick date range).


Type: Boolean

Default: 0 It excludes the result from an auto-corrected query that is spelled wrong. It can be set to 1 to exclude these results or 0 to include them.


Type: String to be searched - An advanced parameter to filter search results.


Type: String [active/off]

Default: off To filter the adult content set safe to active or to disable it set it off.


Type: String

Default: "" To obtain local results from a specific country, for example, for India, it will be "," and for the UK, it will be ""


Type: Boolean Default: false To render response as raw HTML.

Note: Serpdog supports two APIs:

  1. LITE Google Search API - To get results rapidly with fewer featured snippets. It costs half the advanced search API.

  2. Advanced Google Search API - To get advanced featured snippets but with a difference in speed.

LITE Google Search API Example:

cURL ""

Advanced Google Search API Example:

cURL ""

  "meta": {
    "api_key": "APIKEY",
    "q": "coffee",
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  "knowledge_graph": {
    "title": "Coffee",
    "type": "Drink",
    "header_images": [
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        "source": "",
        "image": ""
        "source": "",
        "image": ""
    "description": "Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain flowering plants in the Coffea genus. From the coffee fruit, the seeds are separated to produce a stable, raw product: unroasted green coffee.",
    "source": {
      "name": "Wikipedia",
      "link": ""
    "Acidity level": "4.85 to 5.10",
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        "0 g",
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        "0 g",
      "Trans fat regulation": [
        "0 g",
      "Cholesterol": [
        "0 mg",
      "Sodium": [
        "5 mg",
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        "116 mg",
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        "0 g",
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        "0 g",
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        "0 g",
      "Protein": [
        "0.3 g",
      "Caffeine": [
        "95 mg",
      "Vitamin C": [
      "Calcium": [
      "Iron": [
      "Vitamin D": [
      "Vitamin B6": [
      "Cobalamin": [
      "Magnesium": [
    "Compounds In Coffee": [
        "title": "Chlorogenic acid",
        "link": "",
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        "title": "Trigonelline",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Quinic acid",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Kahweol",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
    "Starbucks Coffee": [
        "title": "Starbucks Roast Dark Ro...",
        "link": "",
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        "title": "Starbucks Frappuccino, Caramel...",
        "link": ",+Caramel,+13.7+Oz&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAA3IMQrCMBQAUIoUdHARDxBcBCmmqYLQVXB18AAlTX9jyP9JTFoLHsfRE3g8feObz1YLTrysno-eNkuuuRC6OpZEttqtraq58kTe1Z2f3CRjlz6Z-B8iqMF4x63zE0KnoQnSASae7j4E43RjQwNotGkR3vn2NsjYjsomdokyhFEp43zBzjJKAiyYOOxP7Pr65tkPqGF6KJMAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik5fC64aL5AhWiDkQIHT5nCfUQxA16BAhmEAc",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Starbucks Coffee Drink Sw...",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Starbucks Roast Coffee...",
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    "People also search for": [
        "title": "Tea",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Espresso",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Drink",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
        "title": "Iced coffee",
        "link": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
    "see_results_about": [
        "title": "Coffee",
        "snippet": "Plant",
        "thumbnail": ""
  "inline_videos": [
      "title": "Miguel - Coffee (Official Video)",
      "source": "YouTube",
      "date": "Jun 16, 2015",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "title": "Kelly Rowland - COFFEE (Official Music Video)",
      "source": "YouTube",
      "date": "Apr 17, 2020",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "title": "Beabadoobee - Coffee",
      "source": "YouTube",
      "date": "Mar 26, 2020",
      "thumbnail": ""
  "local_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Scooter's Coffee",
      "place_id": "5225762576898740739",
      "rating": "4.4",
      "address": "Coffeyville, KS",
      "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 7AM",
      "position": 2,
      "title": "Terebinth Coffee House & Roastery",
      "place_id": "18371722425790879519",
      "rating": "4.9",
      "address": "Coffeyville, KS",
      "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 6:30AM Mon",
      "position": 3,
      "title": "Ane Mae's Coffee and Sandwich Shop",
      "place_id": "1687994686344788766",
      "rating": "4.7",
      "address": "Independence, KS",
      "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 7AM Mon",
      "more_locations_link": ",-95662854,11423&tbm=lcl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGzIer7qL5AhXCKEQIHdh0D5YQtgN6BAgmEAE"
  "recipes_results": [
      "title": "Coffee recipes",
      "link": "",
      "source": "BBC Good Food",
      "rating": "",
      "reviews": "",
      "total_time": "",
      "ingredients": [
        "Instant coffee"
      "thumbnail": ""
      "title": "20 Great Coffee Drinks From Around the World",
      "link": "",
      "source": "Insanely Good Recipes",
      "rating": "4.5",
      "reviews": "8",
      "total_time": "",
      "ingredients": [
        "Turkish coffee",
        " vietnamese coffee",
        " white chocolate mocha",
        " cold brew coffee",
        " frappuccino"
      "thumbnail": ""
      "title": "Bulletproof Coffee Recipe",
      "link": "",
      "source": "Bulletproof",
      "rating": "",
      "reviews": "",
      "total_time": "5 min",
      "ingredients": [
        "Mct oil",
        " bulletproof coffee",
        " grass fed"
      "thumbnail": ""
  "peopleAlsoAskedFor": [
    "What are benefits of coffee?",
    "Which is the best coffee to drink?",
    "Is it healthy to eat coffee?",
    "Is coffee made from poop?"
  "organic_results": [
      "title": "9 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science - Healthline",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › Wellness Topics › Nutrition",
      "snippet": "Coffee is a popular beverage that researchers have studied extensively for its many health benefits, including its ability to increase energy levels, promote ...",
      "rank": 1
      "title": "The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf | CBTL",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": "",
      "snippet": "Born and brewed in Southern California since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® is passionate about connecting loyal customers with carefully handcrafted ...",
      "rank": 2
      "title": "Peet's Coffee: The Original Craft Coffee",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": "",
      "snippet": "Since 1966, Peet's Coffee has offered superior coffees and teas by sourcing the best quality coffee beans and tea leaves in the world and adhering to strict ...",
      "rank": 3
      "title": "The History of Coffee - National Coffee Association",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › ... › History of Coffee",
      "snippet": "Coffee grown worldwide can trace its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. There, legend says the goat herder ...",
      "inline_sitelinks": [
          "title": "An Ethiopian Legend",
          "link": ""
          "title": "The Arabian Peninsula",
          "link": ",-Coffee%20cultivation%20and%20trade%20began"
          "title": "Coffee Comes To Europe",
          "link": ""
      "rank": 4
      "title": "coffee | Origin, Types, Uses, History, & Facts | Britannica",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › ... › Food",
      "snippet": "coffee, beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plants of African origin. Coffee is one of the three most popular ...",
      "rank": 5
      "title": "Starbucks Coffee Company",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": "",
      "snippet": "More than just great coffee. Explore the menu, sign up for Starbucks® Rewards, manage your gift card and more.",
      "rank": 6
      "title": "#coffee hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › explore › tags › coffee",
      "snippet": "156M Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 'coffee' hashtag.",
      "rank": 7
  "relatedSearches": [
      "query": "coffee near me",
      "link": " near me"
      "query": "coffee shop",
      "link": " shop"
      "query": "coffee benefits",
      "link": " benefits"
      "query": "best coffee",
      "link": " coffee"
      "query": "coffee - wikipedia",
      "link": " - wikipedia"
      "query": "coffee origin",
      "link": " origin"
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Last updated